Treatment Options For Atypical Parkin-Sonisms
Author:D. V. Moretti
Volume Info:Volume 1 Issue 1
Article Information
Volume 1 Issue 1 , pages 25-29
Published May 2015
D. V. Moretti
IRCCS S. Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy
Corresponding Author:
Success in treating patients with atypical parkinsonisms remains exceedingly low. This finding probably relates to
the widespread distribution of the pathological changes that account for the varied and complex spectrum of clinical
manifestations. Dopaminergic drugs are regularly used for the parkinsonian features; however, these rarely result
in more than modest benefit. A variety of other treatments have been used in these disorders, sometimes directed
at other specific features such as dystonia or myoclonus, and these treatments will be reviewed. Greater success in
treating these disorders will require advances in our understanding of their cause(s) or the pathogenetic mechanisms
underlying the neurodegenerative processes. The similarities in the molecular pathology of these diseases suggest
that important advances in the management of one will have a definite impact on the treatment of the other.
atypical parkinsonisms, treatment options, pharmacological intervention, deep brain stimulation.
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